Wednesday 18 July 2012

Seeing Kundali (Horoscope) is itself a blind belief.
(Ref. : Samrat, Marathi Daily from Bombay, 30th June 2004, Author: Milind Rupawate, Secretary of Atta Deepa Bhava (Buddhist’s) Marriage Bureau, Mumbai, Cell No. 0-9821249416. Translated by Chakradhar Hadke
My friend who hailed from Chamar community, had a daughter, named Malini. She was 20 years old. She attended many marriages, as such she also dreamt to have her luxurious marriage. As she attained age of marriage, her parents, brother, brother-in-law etc. were trying their best to arrange her marriage. Likewise I had also contacted some acquainted boys from Chamar community. Many boys came from various channels and from various destinations. She was slim, white, and beautiful and there was no reason at all to reject her by any boys on ground of her physical features. But alas, her marriage got postponed several times and not set because of the existing old-aged traditions/blind beliefs which is main impediment/hurdle in marriage i.e. Viewing Kundali (Horoscope), karmakands etc. As a result her age had grown much beyond marriage age. As her age was grown, many behavioral changes occurred which were quite natural/inevitable. She gave up laughing, talkative and friendly nature and she became grave at her disposition. She disbelieved that though these people are of mine; but they are not able to arrange my marriage. Though my parents, brothers, brother-in-laws, sisters and other relatives emphasis anybody for my marriage, all their efforts are futile/useless. This is because her brother prepared her horoscope from a brahmin just before attainment of her marriage age. This horoscope was shown to everybody who came for intention of marriage; but mismatch of her horoscope with counterpart, attributed no setting of her marriage. She had a Mangal prone horoscope which is generally believed as bad-omen, which is it self a big blind-belief prevailing in the community since ages. Though Malini is graduate and employee of good company, she could not get married because of this bad omen horoscope. Hence it was very difficult to see worsened mentality of Malini, all were helpless in this regard. In between her 20 to 30 years, as many as 16 boys had looked her for marriage, but futile due to horoscope’s hurdle. She used to be worried for rejecting her by 16 boys within span of 10 years. She used to worship god with full devotion. She also used to perform lot of traditional rituals and festivals etc. Yet she was worried why her marriage cannot be set. So she was treating herself that some sort of fault in her birth. Every year she used to keep commitment (navas) with god/godess, for she used to offer lemon, coconut, prey of cocks and goats, fasting on every occasion in a hope that she could marry one day. Her family members were also happy for her worshipping and other commitment to appease gods/goddesses so that her will of marriage would be fulfilled, though it was blind belief which has no relation with authentic/reality of actual life.
Malini had to cross her 32 years age. Then I (author) asked her brother and her family members that, her age is knowingly or unknowingly growing, so when do you arrange her marriage? All family members saw me angrily and scolded her that she had a Mangal in her horoscope. Then what is our fault that we are not able to set her marriage?. I said to them, “ I saw her in front of my eyes growing right from her childhood and hitherto. I am just like her elder brother. But in our middle religion comes across. I am Ambedkarite Buddhist. And you people are less Ambedkarites and more rite-ritual (karmakand) prone. If you do not have any objection, I can set her marriage from my community. At my behest, many boys can be ready to marry her.” On hearing me, they displeased and annoyed on me very much and as a result, we both families made this incidence to stop talking and going to each other’s house. Thus our friendship broke up for one year.
One day Malini suddenly met me in market. She loudly asked me to stop as she had to speak something. But I neglected her and started going away. She again shouted Brother! Brother! Requesting me to stop for a while, she had to speak something urgent. Then I stopped and asked as to why did she stop me? “What is your problem? What do you want to say ? Make haste and tell quickly as I don’t have time?”. She told, “Brother, please don’t get annoyed or impatient. I am faulty by birth. Our family is not like your as you people have come out of blind beliefs. We are not so hitherto. So I have arrived to a decision that you may please help me to come out of this vicious orbit of “Mangal”-prone horoscope and direct me to real “Mangal” i.e. welfare.” She was saying so with tearful eyes. I am rather surprised to listen her that she started knowing difference between beliefs and blind beliefs. Yet, I told her, “I am in hurry. Please tell me quickly.” She told, “Dear Brother, please set my marriage. I will not oppose your decision. You are more near to me than my family members. On telling she became rather sentimental and overwhelmed. I called on her to my residence next day. Accordingly she came to me. I told her, I will set your marriage within six months and that is final. But my one condition is that I should change your horoscope first. So you must make a vow before me that this must remain confidential. She voluntarily agreed for, then I left. Next day I met my astrologer friend. I gave him Malini’s horoscope and requested to change it in such a way that she would marry without hindrance. The astrologer got afraid at first. I encouraged him that if anything untoward happens and any sin is there in doing so, I am ready to shoulder the sins. Let the sin of changing horoscope be accounted on me only. After repeated persuasion, he finally agreed and prepared new horoscope of our choice. I got the horoscope from the astrologer friend after 15 days. I called Malini on phone to be ready to enroll her name in matrimonial bureau of chamar community at Borivali. I told her to bring photograph along with. Accordingly we went there and enroller her name as marriage candidate and attached the new horoscope along with the application form. I mentioned address of correspondence of my home on her behalf. What’s a miracle! Many letters started flooding at my home. Out of them I liked a boy. He was alone a son of his old parents. He had one sister who was already married with a Buddhist and she was happy. Old parents and the son was only the family i.e. small family and small family was my preference. So I propose the boy for Malini. She conceded/agreed for the proposal voluntarily. On 3rd day, viewing program was completed in my house. The boy’s name was Ganesh. Within 8 days, Ganesh responded positively i.e. Yes to the proposal. Ganesh stated that both horoscopes matched exactly. So let us conduct marriage ceremony in March. I told this good news to Malini. Then I took a step, keeping aside ego, and went to Konkan to bring Malini’s father to Mumbai for preparatory work of marriage ceremony of his daughter Malini. I persuaded Malini’s brother and mother to attend the marriage. Yet, I kept secret about change of her horoscope. Next formalities i.e. marriage meetings and other transactions as per traditions were done at Malini’s house. And at a relevant time, the marriage ceremony was finished successfully without hindrance.
After 2 years of her marriage I went to see Malini’s in-laws, parents and other relatives were happy though erstwhile they were hating Malini for her horoscope. But they did not know how this happy event came to happen. Then I decided myself to reveal the fact about horoscope. Then I said calmly, “ I am your culprit, please excuse me. Before marriage I showed fake horoscope and real horoscope is this one, you see.” Then Ganesh and other members were overwhelmed and hugged me patiently and blessed me and told, “ You have not made any mistake at all. But on the contrary we all had mistaken. We are ignorant, blind belief-prone, god believer and festival celebrators on various occasions throughout years. This is our civilization.” By saying so, they put sweet (Barphy) in my mouth. Rohidas was awakened in them. Then Ganesh at once said, “Buddha is guide of Rohidas. Henceforth we shall tread on path of Buddha and Rohidas”. By taking vow from them, I left. Till today I remember this bitter fact of life, though it is now old story.
Ganesh and Malini started their life from a hutment (chawl); but today they have 1000 sq.ft. flat in western suburban of Mumbai. They have an elder daughter and a younger son. On seeing this I am indeed extremely happy and accomplished one. This change has been attributed to teachings of Rashtra Saint – Rohidas and the Buddha which directed them from bad omen Mangal (Planet – horoscope) to god omen Mangal.

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