Tuesday 7 August 2012

Buddhism Facts

Buddhism is the fourth largest religion of the world. Founded by Gautam Buddha, it is a path of spiritual development that helps a person in finding the true nature of life. Buddhism emphasizes on experiencing, rather than teaching or learning. It considers meditation as the means to enlightenment and is based on a number of principles. The followers of Buddhism do not worship any 

God and follow the noble eightfold path to lead a meaningful existence.

In the following lines, we have provided some quick information on Buddhism in a brief form. Read on to know some facts about Buddhism ...
Birth Place of Buddha : Lumbini , Nepal        

Meaning: System taught by the Buddha

Founded In: 6th Century BC

Place founded: North India

Founder: Siddhartha Gautama ("the Buddha")A prince

Followers: 376 million

Size: Fourth largest religion in the world

Main locations: China, Japan, Korea and Southeast Asia

Main Sects: Theravada and Mahayana

Sacred texts: Pali Canon (Tripitaka), numerous Mahayana sutras

Original language: Pali

Spiritual leader: Monk (lama in Tibetan Buddhism)

Place of ritual: Temple, meditation hall.

Theism: Varies - Theravada is atheistic; Mahayana is more polytheistic.

Ultimate reality: None, Nothing is permanent.

Holidays: Buddha's birthday, Buddha's enlightenment and lunar quarters

Three Jewels/Three Refuges:

The Buddha

The Sangha (monastic community)

The Dharma (truth or teachings)

Four Noble Truths:

All of life is marked by suffering

Suffering is caused by desire and attachment

Suffering can be eliminated

Suffering is eliminated by following the Noble Eightfold Path

Five Dhyani (Wisdom) Buddhas:





Noble Eightfold Path:

Right beliefs

Right aspirations

Right speech

Right conduct

Right livelihood

Right effort

Right mindfulness

Right meditational attainment

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