Tuesday 14 August 2012

Drama of vegetarians in India

Myth About Vegetarian India

If you think that India is a country of vegetarians only then it is an myth.Perhaps most people in India are non vegetarian.But it is true that some people in India makes lot of chaos about being vegetarian.
First one needs to understand why this vegetarian drama was started in India. India was a laboratory of different indigenous religious around before 3000 yrs.Some of significant indigenous religions are Jainism,Buddhism,Ajivikas (these are atheistic religion in which god does not have special or any place in there philosophy)Jainism is oldest indigenous religion of an India in which non violence has importance or perhaps it is an pillar of this religion.The jains even take care that any microbes also should not get killed by them.Jains don't eat onions or any vegetables which kills microbes during there harvesting and non vegetarian is not the edible for then because killing is an taboo for them. Founders of Jainism were belonged to Warrior class,many were emperors or kings.Jainism was the major religion of India in history but nowadays Jainism is an minority religion in India but they are self employed and generally prosperous business community.
another religion which is called Buddhism which was founded in India by Lord Buddha,He was Also belonged to warrior clan of shakya in northern India.Buddha also given importance to non violence therefore for the monks eating non veg was not allowed,but in some cases the non veg not specially cooked for them is allowed to eat for them if they get in there bhiksha.vegetarian in Buddhism is not strict like Jainism and followers of Buddhism can be non vegetarian too but encouraging non vegetation is prohibited as per there basic principles.
These two religions Jainism and Buddhism made lot of impact on the population of India for not killing animals.Jain were strictly vegetarian including avoiding eating veg which cause killing of microbes during harvesting.
Other hand Lord Buddha preached against animal sacrifice done by vedik Hindus,according to lord Buddha how can killing animal can bring happiness or good for anyone? .Lord Buddha said animal sacrifice is wrong vision and blind faith.
As people became aware by Buddhism and Jainism they find it authentic and right to follow non violence.The importance of Jain and Buddhist monks started to increase because they were hardcore monk who were depended on minimum offerings by their followers and common people.Perhaps living on minimum requirements and food is mandatory for these monks.
Vedik which isn't the indegeous religion of India.Vediks are actually religion of Aryans which were migrated to India from Iran or central Asia.They follow rituals of yagnya in which fire is worshiped and animals even shudra/low cast males are sacrificed(it is called narmedh yagnya).We can still find animal sacrifice evidences by vedik in nepal and different parts of India.
As the popularity of Buddhist and Jain monks were increasing for there non vegetarian principles.Vedik priest also became vegetarian to counter attack.
but reason of Buddhist and Jain philosophy to become vegetarian is merely based on avoiding killing or violence.Other hand vedik allow animal sacrifice but don't eat claiming that it unhygienic to eat non veg.
Vedik even change definition of vegetarian according to their wish.The vedik priest who lives around coastal areas of India eats fishes ,crabs or sea food daily but they claim they are vegetarian because they don't eat onion.
After transformation happened in India in terms of Kingdoms.vedik established there religion and sidelined Buddhist and Jain religions by hook or crook.
But the mentality of veg and non veg taboo got deeply rooted inside India.Majority of India is not vegetarian in India nor they were vegetarian in history. The people belonged to priesthood also highly abandoned there vegetarian lifestyle perhaps they fed up of false ranting of there vegetarian superiority which was not depended on non violence but fable claim that eating non veg is not good for health.Priest related to vedik religion even have written texts telling medicinal value of non veg diet to recover illness.
But Jains strictly follow vegetarian lifestyle even today strictly and happily because the basic principles of there religion is non violence.Buddhist are not strictly vegetarian but they reduce non vegetarian life style.
Hindus which are bound to vedik religion were never vegetarian,only priest turned to vegetarian mode to beat Jain and Buddhist monk's popularity and common people were always non vegetarian.
But during this time,various taboos regarding eating habit introduced and practiced inside society of India Common Hindus eat non veg but they can't enter temple or holy place after eating non veg.They have to bath next day if they have to enter temple but surprisingly they can eat non veg other times.

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