Tuesday 14 August 2012

change is law of Nature

Change is Constant

According to Buddha "nothing is permanent,only permanent thing is change"
Everything around and within us is changing.Constant change is law of nature and we should not be attached to the things to be a peaceful and happy mind.
The one of the major reason of unhappiness is that , we are attached to the things which are not permanent.
Attachment is the major reason that we are taking birth after death of this body life.
We are so much attached to the things that we are unable to recognize that we become unhappy when things don't remain as it is!!
We must understand that "change is permanent" and attachment is the reason that we are taking birth in body form ages over age.
Overcoming attachments of any kind is key to coming out of birth and rebirth process and it is called as nirvan or nibban in pali language.

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